Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All-这本书不错哟,强烈推荐!
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Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All |
作者 (Author) | Miller, Chanel |
等级 (MML) | MM LEVEL: 5.6 |
年级 (IL) | Medium Grades (MG 4-8) |
字数 (Words) | 20943 |
类型 (Fiction) | Fiction |
书号 (ISBN) | |
系列 (Series) | 2025 Newbery; |
A self-proclaimed sock detective inside her parents\' laundromat, Magnolia Wu sets off across New York City with her new friend Iris to solve the mystery of each lost sock, meeting people and uncovering the unimaginable along the way. |
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